Yes, folks, here it is ...

Morgan's Bass Sax

This is a Lyon-Healy, but it's really a Conn as you can tell by

In addition to the Lyon-Healy Chicago inscription, there is the intriguing name "Couturier Model" engraved just below the foliage. Hey, ya wouldn't want me playing a sax that wasn't HAUTE now wouldja.
I've made a sound sample for yall. Do NOT download this 304k file unless
(a) you agree to forgive the erratic quality of the recording. It's only supposed to be FUN! Besides, I've only had 1 day to start figuring out how to play this thang.
(b) you tolerate SILLINESS in music
Otherwise - - just skip it.
Those of you who are, or have, small children will recognize the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" song...
Those of you who rely on the built-in speakers in your PC might actually not hear ANYTHING, as those speakers don't play low frequencies. Party at Paul's house! We'll all listen on his subwoofer.

The players in the Itsy-Bitsy Band, assembled here for one of their rare reunion events, are:

Okay, here are the photos without further commentary.