>From: "Gary Hartle" >To: >Subject: 'The Martin' tenor, Music Man Model, #214xxx >Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 11:19:55 _0500 > >I just got this back from its overhaul (no buffing, of course), and I am >amazed at this tenor! It was supposed to be a back_up/alternate to my MK VI, >but the question after playing a job on the Martin is which one is going to >be the back_up? Anyway, I'm attaching the pics I promised. Let me know if >you need more, different, closer, whatever. I tried to get some good ones of >my Martin bari to go with it, but the pics didn't come out right. You >already have it anyway, but I'll try again tomorrow. Great site! Keep it >going! Gary Hartle